
Infinity plus one

Do you remember when you're just a kid and have arguments with your friends? When you said to a friend that you hate them to infinity and him responded saying that he hates you to infinity plus one? Yahoo! Mail will be launching their mailbox with infinity storage space. 'Cause of that, Google was predicting serious trouble in business. But Greg Tomkins, one Google engineer, solved the problem even before it has begun. Watching his two kids fighting he saw the scene that I commented in the beginning of this article. So he said that if Yahoo! Mail would have infinity capacity, Gmail would have infinity plus one capacity. He said that when your Yahoo! mail box gets full, you could transfer everything to your Gmail and store one more message. After that, what I have to say to Google. They will rule the world, if they aren't yet... 'Till next time.

P.S.: Was said that this news could be just a Google joking, but coming from Google, I seriously think that it could happens in a not so distant future... Let's just wait.

From: Rafael Arcanjo

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