
Nerds and Pranks

So, you think that only the "cool" kids could make pranks in April Fool's Day? And the nerds and geeks have to be in the aim for the pranks??? Think again my friend... Wired magazine came up with an article about nerds pranks for April Fool's Day. This is not some kind of intern joke that only nerds will grasp. It's real pranks that use technology to be made. The two that I liked best, is to make the BSOD someones screensaver and put a screenshot of the desktop as a wallpaper, without the icons... I have to say, I putted the BSOD as my screensaver and it feels real. Two times now, I had to get out of the PC and when I returned I almost freaked out with the BSOD. Scary... The second one I'm planning to make with both my brother and my mother... I'm sure going to get some good laughs... 'Till next time

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