The americans are having a hell of a day, that will probably extends to at least two or three weeks. A asian gunman entered the Virginia Tech campus and begun to shoot everyone that come in sight. Everything started around 7:00 am in one side of the campus. After promote a slaughter there, the gunman walk to the other side of the complex. It's know that he took his time, 'cause the second time that gunshots were heard at Virginia Tech campus it was around 10 am. And the campus was still open. During all the afternoon the news agencies were releasing different reports. Only now they established the numbers of victims in 32 (varied trough the afternoon between 20 and 33) with 29 more wounded. The shooter was one of the victims, but nothing was said if he took his own life or was killed by the cops. This is the worst case of this type in the whole american history. Not even Columbine had this number of victims. President Bush was scheduled to make a pronouncement today at 4:15 pm, but I wasn't at home to see what he would say. But I won't be surprised if the investigators discover that the shooter is north korean and Bush declares this as an act of war. After that you could imagine what will happen... Iraq 2 or Vietnam 3. You could choose... The difference is that they have nukes too... 'Til next time.
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