Hello, anyone out there listening??? The situation here is getting (getting?? already is) overwhelming. We, citizens of Rio de Janeiro, are living in a situation of urban warfare. We are in the middle of a open battle between three forces. The trafficants, the police and the militias. The trafficants literally own certain parts of this place. And this happens since no one seems to remember, without the police giving a shit about this. But now a bunch of cops, firefighters, army people and ex-cops are trying to take those areas back. And they are trying to do this trough the only way they and the trafficants would understand. By force. They are putting the trafficants out, but charging the population of these areas a monthly fee to guarantee their safety. In my opinion, this is not the best solution, but it is not the worst also. Think with me, they get the drugs, the robbery, the murders out of their areas. It's a good thing for the common folk. I would say: OK, I pay this money to you. You've made my neighborhood safer. After a time, the proper order has to be restored in those places. But it's a start. And what the government do? They send the cops to get the militias out of their neighborhoods, but they do not stay there. They put the militias out and go home leaving the place unguarded for the return of the trafficants. And in the other hand, to don't seems that they have a understanding with the crime world, they have to put out a fight with the crime scum in other locations. So, the police that don't have a very large effectiveness, get divided in two fronts, making this effectiveness even worse. 'Cause of that, I think that the militias could be used as a part of the solution. They liberate small areas, that one time would be large areas. And restoring the feeling that the city belongs to the good citizens and not to those that live to break the law. Let's put aside forever this feeling that we are hostages of the violence. This has to stop. After that the police could find a way to take they away, but after crushing the trafficants. Remember, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. After take one out of the scene think of taking another or you won't do nothing... 'Till next time... P.S.: Yes, the picture above was taken in Rio de Janeiro
Hostages Of Violence...
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12:06 AM
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