
Bush In Rio

Brazil is thrilled with the upcoming arrival of George WC Bush, president of the US & A. You can see that every tiny little part of our society is preparing themselves in their bests to receive Mr. WC (sorry, Mr. Bush). Brazilian government, especially the exterior trade ministry and his co-workers has a series of issues to be addressed to Bush. The problem is: a big fat part of this issues are those accusing the USA of unfair trade relations. How do you tell the president of the most powerful nation in the globe, that has an historic of bombing first and asking later, that his country is unfair. For much less Afghanistan and Iraq were invaded... But not only the government are preparing themselves. The common folk in the big cities's streets are preparing too. They want to show Bush how much love, caring and respect he has among the Brazilian people... They want to show that even believing that he looks like an idiot sometimes (only sometimes???), we still love him. And we want him to be our next president... We have a Squid in the chair, for God's sake... The picture in the right show one of this people leaving a loving message for Mr. Bush in one of the streets that he will pass during his visit. Besides, we have extremists here too. The kind of people that disagree with a man who opened a shooting war with another country without approval of U.N., who accepted that common folks could picked off the streets and locked away only 'cause they looked like the ones that put a plane into a building five years ago, a man who let these people to be locked outside their country and being tortured to tell things that they don't know for more than two years now. These kind of people that couldn't look to their own belly and be happy, who couldn't be deaf for the suffering of the weaker, who cares for the poorer population are making really disgusting things to attack the persona (non grata) of the president. A bunch of theirs burned yesterday a representation of the US president in front of The House of Senate in Brasília. And another group of people are spreading this photo that you see left in the internet. It shows a total lack of respect to Bush. And after everything that happened, did he deserve something better??? 'Till next time...

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