What is the first thing that come to your mind when you know that a children that is not even one year old get a gun license? Yes, the same thing that comes to my mind. The world is crazy, completely crazy. This happened in Chicago, Illinois. Howard D. Ludwig, a little baby, was presented with a shotgun when he was born. His dad not only accepted the present, but to make everything right tried to obtain a gun license in the boy's name. The craziest is that he got the permit. Now, a baby could walk around with a shotgun. I don't know what is more wrong. If it was his father that accepted the gift or the state of Illinois that has given the gun permit. This is one more example of the crazy love that the Americans have for their guns... It really makes me sick... 'Til next time folks.
The Waked Person of the Week
Let's begin with this. The Waked Person of this week is Romário. One of the greatest soccer player down here, having played in Barcelona, Ajax, awarded as World's best player one time, he scored yesterday his th goal. Yes, with forty-one years old, he still is a professional soccer player and got a number that only one other soccer player has gotten in the world. The first soccer player to achieve one thousand goals was Pelé, back in 1969. For everything that he has passed trough his career, for all the important championships that he has, including on World Cup (94 in USA), and for the determination in score a thousand goals, our first prize of Waked Person of the Week goes to Romário de Souza Faria. 'Til next time folks...
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11:33 AM
Labels: Personality
One nasty bug
Hello everyone... Sorry for the time away, but I catch a nasty flu bug. I passed the last two weeks with a extremely high fever mixed with headaches and the other stuff associated with the flu. I know that I promised some new stuff to the last week, but I was really incapacitated. But let's work, that I have a bunch of things to you... Let's put the show on the road. 'Til next time...
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11:19 AM
Labels: All About Nothing
Anyone here???
Hello people. I have to apologize to all my 13 readers for the absent here in your most favorite blog. But I promise that I'll change everything. This thursday I'll be opening a new section here, The Waked Person of the Week, where I'll choose one person that caught my attention in the last week and will pay my respects to that person. As the name indicates this will be a weekly section. And friday in the coming week, you'll be able to understand a little more of my disturbed mind. I'll be putting on line my list of A Hundred Things to Do Before i Die. This will be weekly too, and every friday I will share five items of my list. I really hope you enjoy the changes and go to tell your friends about this astounding blog... 'Til next time.
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1:02 AM
Labels: All About Nothing